Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) is a swiftly advancing field, with new
ideas emerging every other second. From mobile phones to fiber optics and remote sensing,
there are exciting avenues to explore and create. The ECE department at Jei Mathaajee
College of Engineering prepares students for careers in this constantly evolving discipline.
- The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering came into existence in the
year 2008. Ever since its inception, it has been splendid in providing dynamic and quality
engineers to the society till date., and in enhancing the laboratory facilities to cope up with
the new developments in the state-of art technologies.
- The Electronics and Communication
laboratories are constantly upgraded with new equipments.
The ECE Department holds national conferences that function like informal think tanks.
- Faculty and students benefit from guest lectures on the latest innovations in both established
and emerging fields.Students are also sponsored to attend conferences. Few students with
the help of their guide have presented papers in national conferences.